Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Goldstein's Book Notes 1984 #9

Chapter 1—Ignorance is Strength

·         Three kinds of people—High, Middle, Low—aims of these groups are irreconcilable
·         High—remain where they are in society
·         Middle—change places with the High
·         Low—abolish all distinctions and create equal society among men
·         Need for hierarchical society was required specifically for the High
·         Development of television ended private life
·         Collectivism à “abolition of private property” (Orwell 206).
·         Four ways a ruling group can fall from power:
o   Conquered
o   Masses are stirred to revolt
o   Allows strong Middle Group to come into being
o   Loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern
·         Consciousness of masses needs to be influenced in a negative way
·         Big Brother is the guise in which the Party wants to world to see
·         Essence of oligarchic rule is not inheritance—persistence of certain world-view and a certain way of life
·         Proles lack education—therefore lack ability to rebel
·         Crimestop à protective stupidity—stopping short at the threshold of any dangerous thought
·         Reasons of alterations of the past:
o   Precautionary—necessary for people to believe they are better than their ancestors
o   Safeguarding— infallibly of Party
·         Doublethink à accepting two contradictory beliefs simultaneously
·         Euphemisms—contradictions are not accidental—deliberately exercises in doublethink
Chapter 3—War is Peace

·         Three super states:
o   Eurasia à consisted of northern Europe—and Portugal
o   Oceania à consisted of Americas, Atlantic islands, British isles, Australasia, and southern Africa
o   Eastasia à comprises of China and countries south of it
·         Three states are constantly in war
·         War has changed its character
·         Primary of aim of war is to use up products of the machine without raising general standard of living
·         Early 20th century—people dreamed of a rich, leisured future—world is more primitive than it was before
·         There could not exist a society where wealth should be equally distributed while power remained in a small privileged caste—could not remain stable
·         Essential act of war is destruction of products of human labor
·         All Party (Inner) members believe in this coming conquest as an article of faith
·         Party’s goals:
o   Conquer surface of the earth
o   Extinguish the possibility of independent thought
·         Philosophies of super states:
o   Oceania—Ingsoc
o   Eurasia—Neo-Bolshevism
o   Eastasia—Obliteration of the Self (Death-worship)
·         Physical facts could not be ignored—philosophically, 2 + 2 = 5, but in designing a gun or an airplane they had to make four.
·         Thought police is only efficient in Oceania
·         “Cut off from contact with the outer world, and with the past, the citizen of Oceania is like a man in interstellar space, who has no way of knowing which direction is up and which is down” (198).
·         Peace that would be of permanence would be seen as a permanent, everlasting war.

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